Systems Maintenance

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Maintenance Windows

The MyWestfield portal is regularly unavailable on Saturday morning for systems maintenance. Occasionally additional maintenance windows are scheduled and announced within the Announcements Portlet and communicated through email.

Information Technology Services

The Information Technology Services (ITS) department is responsible for maintaining the University's enterprise information systems and infrastructure. ITS consists of two units, the Enterprise Systems and Infrastructure Services units. ITS is also responsible for the campus's NEC voice telecommunications system. ITS reports to the Vice President for Administration and Finance and is headed by the Executive Director for Information Technology Services.

Enterprise Systems
The Enterprise Systems group provides both technical and functional support within the current online admissions, student, finance applications of the Banner software suite. These responsibilities entail, but are not limited to, ensuring that the latest software and hardware related updates are in place, myWestfield portal support, web for students and faculty support, SQL script development, report writing, as well as evaluating new functionality features of the latest software and hardware that would benefit the Banner user community.

Infrastructure Services
We implement, develop and maintain a highly scalable, accessible and secure infrastructure environment that supports cutting edge technology, academic demands and supports the mission of Westfield State University. Infrastructure Services is primarily responsible for Active Directory services, e-mail services, LAN, WAN and wireless connectivity as well as enterprise-level backup and restoration.

If you are looking for Academic Information Services which includes Ely Library, the Technology Support Desk, University Media Services, Video Production & Television Operations, and the Center for Instructional Technology, click here.

Technology questions, support requests, and troubleshooting requests should be directed to the Technology Support Desk. The Support Desk can be reached at ext. 4357. Student support requests should be directed to the Student Technology Support Desk located in Wilson Hall. The Student support desk can be reached at ext. 5528. PLATO questions should be directed to the Center for Instructional Technology at ext. 8130.

Contact Information

PLATO questions should be directed to the Center for Instructional Technology at ext. 8130.

Technology questions, support requests, and troubleshooting requests contact the Technology Support Desk.

The Support Desk can be reached at ext. 4357. Student support requests should be directed to the Student Technology Support Desk located in Ely Library. The Student support desk can be reached at ext. 5528.